Enrollment is completed
Enrollment is completed
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Enrollment is completed
Enrollment is completed
15-16 June 2024 Enrollment is completed
Enrollment is completed
8-10 July 2024 Enrollement is completed
Enrollement is completed
14-15 Sept 2024 Enrollement is completed
Enrollement is completed
Enrollment is completed
Enrollement is completed
Enrollement is completed
Enrollement is completed
Enrollment is completed
Enrollment is completed
Enrollement is completed
Enrolment is completed
Director, Department of Cardiology, Cardiac Imaging Specialist. Cardiologist in Mediterraneo Hospital (2007 to present). Qualified in TTE, TEE, Stress Echo, Τranoperative Echo (valve repair, acute aortic syndromes, ablation, transcatheter TAVI, MV clip, PFO and ASD closure) and Advanced Echo Techniques (Speckle Tracking, 3D/4D Echo). Certified in Echo Simulation, Heartworks and Bodyworks of Intelligence Ultrasound Co. Member of HCS, ESC, EACVI, SESAM.
Deputy Director Department of Cardiology, Cardiac Imaging Specialist. Cardiologist in Mediterraneo Hospital (2004 to present). Qualified in TTE, TEE, Stress Echo, Τranoperative Echo (valve repair, acute aortic syndromes, ablation, transcatheter TAVI, MV clip, PFO and ASD closure) and Advanced Echo Techniques (Speckle Tracking, 3D/4D Echo). Certified in Echo Simulation, Heartworks and Bodyworks of Intelligence Ultrasound Co. Member of HCS, ESC, EACVI, SESAM.
Hands On TEE Simulation Training. Normal cardiac anatomy and function, TEE orientation, TEE Protocol with standard views, normal study, measurements, calculations, hemodynamic information from TEE echo, all the spectrum of heart diseases (complete Heartworks package with all 2024 updated software). Every course is designed for a small group of 5 participants in 2 days in a weekend (5h on Saturday and 5h on Sunday), with adequate hands - on training time for everyone. Participation fee at 300 € per person. CEST Seminars are approved by The National Organization for Medicines (EOΦ) and individual cost can be covered from Institutes or Companies.
Hands On TTE Simulation Training Normal cardiac anatomy and function, TTE orientation, TTE Protocol with standard views, normal study, measurements, calculations, hemodynamic information from TTE echo, all the spectrum of heart diseases (complete Heartworks package with all 2024 updated software). Every course is designed for a small group of 5 participants in 2 days in a weekend (5h on Saturday and 5h on Sunday), with adequate hands - on training time for everyone. Participation fee at 300 € per person. CEST Seminars are approved by The National Organization for Medicines (EOΦ) and individual cost can be covered from Institutes or Companies.
Echo Lab has official accrediation from the European Society of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI) at Advanced Level. We offer a two week internship in our 3 Echo Labs in Transthorasic, Transesophageal, Stress Echocardiography and Advanced Imaging Techniques (3D, 4D, AI, Speckle Tracking). We provide additional training on Transoperative and Transcatheter Echo in the Operation Theater and Cath Lab respectively. An intensive 10h session in TTE and TTE Simulation Training at CEST is included. Available positions are limited to one person per time in order of priority. Participation fee at 1500 €. CEST Seminars are approved by The National Organization for Medicines (EOΦ) and individual cost can be covered from Institutes or Companies.
Exclusive attendance to an indivintual participant allows a unique experience and training in a accelerated manner. Private mentoring permits continuous instructor-trainee interaction. It offers to the participant a rapid advance in knowledge and skills in TTE, TEE or both TTE/TEE. The course is designed for 2 days in a weekend (5h on Saturday and 5h on Sunday). Trainee can join our Echo Lab for up to one week (without extra fee) with additional training on Advanced Techniques (Stress, 3D, 4D, AI, Speckle Tracking, Transoperative Echo). Participation fee at 1500 €. CEST Seminars are approved by The National Organization for Medicines (EOΦ) and individual cost can be covered from Institutes or Companies.
Exclusive attendance to two participants allows a unique experience and training in a accelerated manner. Private mentoring permits continuous instructor-trainee interaction. The hands-on probe manipulation time offers to the participants a rapid advance in knowledge and skills in TTE, TEE or both TTE and TEE. The course is designed for 2 days in a weekend (5h on Saturday and 5h on Sunday). Trainees can join our Echo Lab for up to one week (without extra fee), and actively participate in all activities with additional training on Advanced Techniques (Stress, 3D/4D, Speckle Tracking, Transoperative Echo). Participation fee at 750 € per person. CEST Seminars are approved by The National Organization for Medicines (EOΦ) and individual cost can be covered from Institutes or Companies.
All clinical scenarios in Emergency Department and ICU (acute heart failure, acute myocardial infarction, complications of myocardial infarction, dissection of aorta, aortic aneurysms, pericardial disease, cardiac tamponade, pulmonary embolism, cardiogenic shock, pneumothorax, prosthetic valves, acute valvular diseases, cardiomyopathies, congenital heart disease, abdominal aorta aneurysms, pleural effusion, lung scan). Every course is designed for a small group of 10 participants with 3 hours in one day and adequate hands - on training time on Simulator for everyone. Participation fee at 50 € per person. CEST Seminars are approved by The National Organization for Medicines (EOΦ) and individual cost can be covered from Institutes or Companies.
Cardiology Echocardiography
Consultant Cardiologist, Echo Lab, Hygeia Hospital, Athens, Greece. CEST offers hands-on training in Echocardiography in a high fidelity simulation system. It is ideal for trainees in cardiology because they build their skillset step by step first by familiarizing themselves with normal anatomy and echo findings and then by gradually progressing to various clinical pathologies of increasing difficulty.
Anesthesiologist ICU
Consultant Anesthesiologist in ICU, Asclepeion Hospital, Athens, Greece. In depth hands on state-of-the-art TEE training simulation course and seminars on ICU and Emergencies clinical scenarios. I highly recommend the CEST experience to anyone who wants to learn anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology of the cardiovascular system and echocardiography. Don't miss this opportunity.
Cardiology Resident
Specialist in General Internal Medicine, University Heart Center, Zyrich, Switzerland. Simulation-based TEE training emerges as a key educational tool to improve accesibility of learning and accelerate the learning curve. Simulation shows significant benefits in improving TEE skills among Cardiology fellows. The option of TEE Hands-On training is an excellent experience.
Internal Medicine Cardiology
Cardiologist, Cardiac Surgery Clinic, University Clinical Center of Serbia. Dr Tsoukas is an excellent mentor, highly skilled on Echocardiography, who allows the trainees to aquire probe manipulation and image interpretation skills in a comprehensive and accelerated manner. I highly recommend the CEST if you want to have an in-depth update and improve rapidly your knowledge in Echocardiography.
Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology
Faculty of Medicine University Hospital of Ioannina, Greece. TEE is a very powerful intraoperative monitoring tool in Cardio-Surgery. Nowdays TEE is performed by the same Anesthesiologist who is providing anesthesia. I am very grateful to the instructors of CEST for their assistance and contribution to understand better and learn in depth the detailed TEE protocol in a wide range of heart diseases. Don't miss it!
Pediatric Cardiologist
Consultant, Aghia Sophia Children Hospital, Athens, Greece. I had the honor to participate in "TEE Hand-On Simulation Training Course" as well as the Seminars ¨Ultrasound in Emergencies" and "Echo in ICU" at CEST. Simulation-based teaching in TTE and TEE Echocardiography had a significant improvement in my Knowledge, skills and confidence. I plan to join the next educational echo courses at CEST.
Senior Clinical Fellow Cardiology
Consultant Cardiologist, Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals, London, UK. Dr Tsoukas and the team of CEST are expert instructors on teaching TTE and TEE to physicians from A to Z. The participants can rapidly advance their knowledge to match their particular clinical demands. Additionally the seminars "Ultrasound in Emergencies and ICU" can drastically improve their skills in a wide range of emergency clinical conditions.
Student School of Medicine
European University Cyprus School of Medicine. Simulation-based teaching shows significant benefits over conventional methods based on lectures. The details of 3D anatomical heart model side by side with the respective echo views, allows to a beginner trainee a step by step method to learn cardiac anatomy, physiology and pathophsiology. A great experience at CEST.